Keep Our Pop/Rock Chorus Alive by Investing in Our Future!

For those of us who want to sing pop/rock choral music in a safe environment, the Kona Aloha Singers have our back.  But we also need you to have ours.  Running both a high school/adult chorus along with our new junior chorus is expensive.  Even though we are a non-profit, we still pay for everything including our music, our amazing music team and musicians, the venue we perform in and more. 

Our continued sucess is only possible through generous contributions from donors like you.  We would be grateful for your tax-deductible gift so we can keep our youth and adult choruses singing the songs we all love.

Donor Recognition Levels:
  • $25-$99        Artists
  • $100-$249    Performers
  • $250-$499   Maestros
  • $500-$999   Prestigious
  • $1,000+            Virtuosos

Donate Online:

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Donate by Check:

Please mail your check to address below and include your name, phone and e-mail address.

Kona Aloha Singers
        c/o Ilene Harrington
    78-7024 Mololani Street
    Kailua-Kona, HI  96740

Kona Aloha Singers Tax Id # 83-0902783